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40+ Awesome True Love Quotes 2016

Love is a precious gift among all of us. But few can understand the true feelings of someone loving them. It’s not a joke at all! Love is something that could change you entirely with every possibility. It could build true feelings inside you that you can’t even think of.

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True Love Quotes

True Love Quotes

Less people do have such feelings inside, and it’s really a difficult thing to express trueness to someone you feel for. True love is a wonderful part of “Life”. Well, are you having true feelings for someone? Do you really think about someone all the day and night? Well, to overcome with your feelings, we have just collected a wonderful list of True Love Quotes. Read it and even send it to the one you really feel for truly. I hope it could explain a lot about your feelings.

40+ Awesome True Love Quotes 2016

1. ) You are the prince I’ve dreamt of finding ever since I was a little girl.

2. ) My favorite place in the world is lying in your arms, gazing into your beautiful eyes.

3. ) Our love is a mysterious bond that cannot be broken, and will be ignited for eternity, through all battles and struggles we may face.

4. ) When I look into your eyes, I know I’ve found the mirror to my soul.

5. ) You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart.

6. ) I never knew how it felt to laugh stupidly at someone before I met you. Love you, dear

7. ) I wouldn’t want to have any other lover, because our bond is irreplaceable. I need you like a heart needs a beat.

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8. ) Give me a kiss and I’ll serenade you among the stars. Give me your love and I will pluck each star to set at your feet.

9. ) This crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing which does not change: my love for you.

10. ) You are reason for me to wake up each day with a smile and thank God.

11. ) You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.

True Love Quotes

True Love Quotes

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12. ) I am very indecisive and always have trouble picking my favorite anything. But, without a doubt, you are my favorite everything.

13. ) One of the greatest joys in my life is making you smile.

14. ) The best feeling is when you look at him…and he is already staring.

15. ) You are on my mind now and always. You are the sweetest song that only my ears can hear.

16. ) When we first met, I knew you were special. Now, I know just how strong and compassionate a man you truly are, and I’m grateful for every day that I spend with you.

17. ) I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

18. ) I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever

19. ) I love you not because of anything you have, but because of something that I feel when I’m near you.

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20. ) Thank God someone threw me away so you could pick me up and love me.

21. ) I never thought love could be so magnificent until I saw the sincere look in your eyes, telling me that this time… I would never shed another tear.

22. ) Our relationship is meant to be: something that was written in the stars and drawn into our destiny.

23. ) Walk with me through life…and I’ll have everything I’ll need for the journey.

24. ) Maybe it’s too early to say I love you, but I can’t keep it a secret. I’ve never felt this perfectly happy, and I wanted you to know that you’re the reason why.

25. ) I may not be your first date, kiss or love…but I want to be your last everything.

26. ) I could never say how much I like you, and just how special you are to me. But I can say that my world is all smiles whenever I am with you. I love you a lot.

27. ) You give me hope in my times of trial, joy in my saddest hours and love in all I do.

28. ) I never knew what love was until I met you, then when distance pulled us apart, I found out what true love is

29. ) Everywhere I look I am reminded of your love. You are my world.

30. ) I don’t need paradise because I found you. I don’t need dreams because I already have you.

31. ) When I wake up in the morning, I am thinking of you. When I go to sleep at night, I am thinking of you. And all those hours in between, I think of us.

True Love Quotes

True Love Quotes

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32. ) Within you, I lose myself. Without you, I find myself wanting to be lost again.

33. ) Nobody could ever burn a light as bright as the one you’ve lit in my heart.

34. ) Ever since the day you came into my life, I knew you would be here until the end of time.

35. ) You bring out the best in me. No other boyfriend would bring out my colors as well as you do.

36. ) I believe that dreams can come true, because mine did when I met you, my love. I will always love you. I swear.

37. ) When I tell you I love you, I am not saying it out of habit, I am reminding you that you are my life.

38. ) One of the unique love messages: you may hold my hand for a while, dear, but you will hold my heart forever.

39. ) If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever

40. ) Love is not about how many days, weeks or months you’ve been together; it’s all about how much you love each other every day.

41. ) I will love you until the stars go out and the tides no longer turn.

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42. ) Our bond is stronger than the sun and sweeter than a bird’s song.


About the author

Alina Angel

I am a technology blogger who wants to explore new apps and softwares. I love whatsapp functions and always keep collecting fresh whatsapp status ideas and sharing it here on my blog.

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