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50+ Hiking Status And Quotes For Whatsapp in 2016-17


Hiking is not an easy task for every one , only those who loves to see the nature on its real shap, do trekking or hiking to see the stuff which is hidden from the human eyes behind some difficult tracks. So here in this blog post we are giving you some amazingly chosen Hiking Status For Whatsapp and Even for facebook, which can used by hikers and trekkers while they are on their trips.

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These Hiking Status are meant to inspire others and encourage them to see the beuaty of nature by crossing the difficult treks, or either hiking over a mountain.  Following Hiking status are most suitable for those who are on trip to Indian or Pakistani Northern areas specially in himalya.

2016’s Best Hiking Status For Trekkers 


1 ) The only reason god made cousins so that parents can compare our marks.

2 ) Can I take your picture?? I love to collect pictures of natural disasters.

3 ) I want some one to give me a Loan and then leave me Alone.

4 ) Taking revenge is wrong…very very wrong.. But very very fun.

5 ) Smile infront of those who hates you – It kills them.

6 ) I feel lazier than the guy who drew the Japanese flag.

7 ) Oooooh, that’s a bit too harsh. Let me put a `lol` at the end of it.

8 ) I don’t always lose my phone but when I do its always on silent.

9 ) Life is too short Don’t waste it updating status !

10 ) Anyone else sit on the toilet and play with their phone until you realized you have been finished 10 minutes ago?

Check Out some amazing Victory Status.

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Amazing Trekking Status Quotes.

11 ) People say laughter is the best medicine. Your face must be curing the world.

12 ) I am learn from My Mistake! Without Mistake We Can’t Learn Best.

13 ) Take charge of your attitude. Don’t let someone else choose it for you.

14 ) A tear is made of 1% water and 99% of feelings.

15 ) Don’t like me? Cool, I don’t wake up every day to impress you.

16 ) If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be. If it does not, hunt it down & kill it.

17 ) Sometimes all you need is love. Lol, just kidding, you need money.

18 ) I have no time to hate people… who hate me… because, I’m always busy in loving people, who love me..

19 ) I’m not single, I’m just romantically challenged.

If you are just checking some fresh whatsapp status then must see these Cool Whatsapp Status.

Most Commonly Used Hiking/Trekking Status Quotes on Your Tour.

20 ) Those who say money can’t buy happiness are shopping at the wrong places.

21 ) There are two type of people winner and Losser, Winner always Working Hard, Losser Always try to shortcut for win.

22 ) The annoying moment when the TV commercials are so long that you forget what you’re watching.

23 ) God is really creative, I mean…just look at me.

24 ) Yes, I agree. Mums can find everything. Except for the ringing phone in their bags!

25 ) May I go to the toilet = I’m fucking bored.

26 ) Doing the moonwalk is the only way to look cool while wiping dog crap off your shoes.

27 ) I know i am awesome, so i don’t care about your opinion.

28 ) I May Not Be Prefect, But I’m The Best You’ll Ever Have. You’ll Realize It The Day I Stop Coming Back.

29 ) Beauty attracts the eye but personality captures the heart.

30 ) The difference between pizza and your opinion is that I asked for pizza.

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31 ) I am who i am, you approval is not needed.

32 ) I’ve found the recipe for happiness. Can someone just send me some money so that I can buy the ingredients?

33 ) ‘Dream’ as if you’ll live forever.. Live as if tomorrow is last one…

34 ) One day, I’m gonna make the onions cry.

35 ) I`m jealous of my parents, I’ll never have a kid as cool as theirs.

36 ) The zoo is a pretty safe place to fart.

37 ) Before talking; Please connect the tongue to the brain!

38 ) They say “don’t drink and drive”. Well…. yesterday I was drinking a juice box while riding my tricycle. Yeah. I’m a badass.

  • 39 ) The only reason I am fat is because a tiny body couldn’t store all this personality.

  • 40 ) I hate when I am about to hug someone really sexy and my face hits the mirror.

  • 41 ) Always remember you are unique, just like everyone else.

  • 42 ) Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!

  • 43 ) Dear iPhone, Please stop changing my rude words into nice ones. You piece of shut.

  • 44 ) When life gets tough, remember: You were the strongest sperm.

  • 45 ) The best way to predict the Future………….is to Design it.

  • 46 ) Why do parents get so upset about little things like goddamn I left a plate in the sink not a dead body.

  • 47 ) Money can’t buy happiness, but it pays for internet, which is pretty much the same thing.

48 ) That moment when a question on a test is so hard that even your inner voice is like “Fuck this shit lets work at McDonald’s”.

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49 ) Was going to rob a bank today but the pen was chained to the desk.

50 ) When your ex asks if you can still be friends right after a break up, it’s like having a kidnapper tell you to keep in touch.

51 ) I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.

52 ) When I drink alcohol… Everyone says I’m alcoholic. But… When I drink Fanta.. No one says I’m fantastic.



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For More Status Quotes ideas to express your each and every feeling, keep visiting our Blog. Thank you for reading.

About the author

Ali Qusain

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