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100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

Today I Am Sharing The most recent accumulation of Happy Friendship Day Status for Whatsapp, Messages For Facebook Friends furthermore on Twitter. You simply utilize these Friendship day Status, Quotes, Wishes, Messages and SMS.

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100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

We realize that all of you need to share one of a kind diverse appealing facebook and whatsapp status messages in your facebook account and whatsapp account. We are for you and these are best Friendship Day Status for Facebook and Whatsapp particularly gathered and distributed for you.

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

1. ) A faithful friend is the medicine of life”. Happy Friendship Day.

2. ) I’m having an introvert party and you’re all not invited.

3. ) A day spend with friends is always a day well spend.

4. ) A brother is not always a friend, but a friend is always a brother

5. ) “In a friend you find a second self”. Happy Friendship Day.

6. ) “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” Happy Friendship Day.

7. ) Dreams may change, but friends are forever.

8. ) My friends are my estate.

9. ) Make many friends but no best friend because they are the one who hurts you the more. Happy Friendship Day..

10. ) Without friends no one would choose to live. Happy Friendship Day.

11. ) Friends are God’s way of taking care of us.

12. ) True friendship never ends. Friends are forever.

13. ) Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say, It doesn’t start on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday. Happy Friendship Day..

14. ) If you ever need a hand…You will always find mine… Happy Friendship Day dear friend!!

15. ) A Single Soul dwelling in two bodies!!Thanks for being such a special part of my life… That you are and always be!Happy Friendship day!!

16. ) Everyone has a friend who laughs funnier than he jokes.

17. ) A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more.

18. ) A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.

19. ) A true friend is someone who knows there’s something wrong even when you have the biggest smile on your face. Happy Friendship Day….

20. ) Never leave your friends side unless you want drama.


100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

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21. ) “Friends show their love in times of trouble” Happy Friendship Day.

22. ) Friends are the family you choose

23. ) I thought “U” were BUSY …..So did not want to disturb “U”. This thought is the main reason behind most broken friendship…… so keep disturbing ur friends……Happy Friendship Day…

24. ) A faithful friend is the medicine of life.

25. ) Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” Happy Friendship Day.

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26. ) Friends are born, not made.

27. ) Don’t let friends down when they need you the most.

28. ) Friends are the sunshine of life. Hold a true friend with both your hands. Happy Friendship Day..

29. ) “Friendship: a building contract you sign with laughter and break with tears.” Happy Friendship Day…

30. ) Never forget your friends when you are in a relationship.

31. ) Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love because sun rises in east and sets in west but friendship rises in heart and sets after death. do remember your friends. Happy Friendship Day..

32. ) I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won’t be broken. Happy Friendship Day.

33. ) Friends are the siblings god forgot to give us.

34. ) Good Thinks come to those who wait.

35. ) “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose” Happy Friendship Day…

36. ) Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness… “Happy Friendship Day”

37. ) In a friend you find a second self.

38. ) Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth,

39. ) The relation between one heart and another heart is called love, but the relation between heart and heartbeat is called Friendship. Happy Friendship Day.

40. ) Some people go to priests, others to poetry, I to my friends.

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

41. ) Friendship is the most pure relation in the universe.I love to share my thoughts to someone whom I can trust. Happy Friendship Day.

42. ) There are big ships and small ships. But the best ship of all is friendship. Happy Friendship Day.

43. ) Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation, a cup of coffee or a funny story. It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself. Happy Friendship Day.

44. ) A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.

45. ) Friendship, like credit, is highest when it is not used.

46. ) FrIeNdShIp Is Nt Abt wHo CaMe D fIrSt Or WhO CaReS d BeSt bT ItS AlL AbT wHo CaMe Nd NeVa LeFt. Happy Friendship Day.

47. ) A true friend is equal to hundred so called friends.

48. ) A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Happy Friendship Day..

49. ) It takes a long time to grow an old friend.

50. ) Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.


52. ) Good friends are part and parcel of our life.

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53. ) The love of my life is the love between friends.

54. ) If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours. Happy Friendship Day.

55. ) Everyone is a friend, until they prove otherwise.

56. ) A Friend is someone who thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked! Happy Friendship Day…..

57. ) A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your hear.

58. ) Love is temporary but friends are forever.

59. ) I found out about you from my last nightmare.

60. ) A friend is SWEET when it’s NEW, Its SWEETER when it’s TRUE,AND YOU KNOW, Its SWEETEST when it’s YOU. Happy Friendship Day.

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

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61. ) If all my friends were flowers, I would look around and pick you.

62. ) True friendship is seen through the heart,not through the eyes. Happy Friendship Day..

63. ) I like the sound of you not talking.

64. ) It would be easier to cut off my hand than lost you as my friend.

65. ) A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight. Happy Friendship Day.

66. ) I always tell new hires, don’t think of me as your boss, think of me as your friend who can fire you.

67. ) A person who has no friends, lives only half way

68. ) Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever. Happy Friendship Day…

69. ) Friendship is not a big fire which burns all day. Its a small lamp, that burns till the last day of life. Happy Friendship Day.

70. ) My friend is the most precious treasure of mine.

71. ) TRUE FRIENDSHIP: Walking into a persons house and your wifi connects automatically.

72. ) A true friend is someone who knows there’s something wrong even when you have the biggest smile on your face. Happy Friendship Day.

73. ) Friends are family you choose for yourself.

74. ) The one who likes you most, sometimes hurts you, but again he is the only one who feels your pain. Happy Friendship Day..

75. ) It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.

76. ) Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things. Happy Friendship Day…

77. ) You don’t make friends, recognize them.

78. ) There is a gift that gold cannot buy a blessing that’s rare & true. that’s d gift of a wonderful friend like d friend that i have in u!! Happy Friendship Day!!

79. ) A true friend, can see what’s behind the smile.

80. ) but in having friend like you – a precious gift from God. Happy Friendship Day.

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

100+ Awesome Friendship Day Status And Quotes 2016

81. ) friend has no end.

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82. ) One Heart talk with another one is affection. one Heart live with another Heart is Love But two Hearts made like one is FRIENDSHIP…..! Happy Friendship Day.

83. ) Friendship is a gift that is fair in all things. It roots from one’s heart and involves memories that stay not for a while but for a lifetime. Happy Friendship Day..

84. ) Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. Happy Friendship Day..

85. ) Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer. Happy Friendship Day.

86. ) It’s not an achievement to make 100 friends in a year, but an achievement is when you make a friend for 100 years. Happy Friendship Day.

87. ) World is full of smiles, whenever friends are with me.

88. ) There are few things I enjoy more than picking an argument with my girlfriend when she has the hiccups.

89. ) Where there are friends, there is wealth.

90. ) relationships are meant 2 b broken but friendship is 4ever ever …….ever …..ever …. n friendship can even turn in2 relationship but relationship can not turn in2 friendship …… Happy Friendship Day..

91. ) Where there are friends, there is wealth.Happy Friendship Day..

92. ) When does a friend become a best friend? When his dialogue, “I care for you” converts into “I will kill you if you don’t care for me” Happy Friendship Day..

93. ) Friends are like shoes, some loose some tight, some fit just right, they help u as u walk through life. thanks for being my size!Happy Friendship Day…

94. ) A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.

95. ) Every person is a new door to a different world.

96. ) I’m not a Facebook status, you don’t have to like me.

97. ) Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. Happy Friendship Day.

98. ) The difference between “Girlfriend” and “Girl Friend” is that little space in between we call the “Friend Zone”.

99. ) Never forget who was there for you when no one else was.

100. ) “Friends are born, not made” Happy Friendship Day.

101. ) “Friends are like melons. Shall I tell you why? To find one good a hundred you must try.” Happy Friendship Day..

102. ) We met it was Luck! We talked it was CHANCE! We became friends it was DESTINY! We are still friends it is FAITH! We will always be friends its a PROMISE! Happy Frienship Day..

103. ) My Friends make my world glow with happiness.

104. ) Friendship is the golden thread that ties all hearts together. Happy Friendship Day.

105. ) Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?

106. ) If you ever need a hand….. You will always find mine… Happy Friendship Day Dear friends!!

107. ) True friends are the greatest of all blessings.

108. ) Friends wave red flags when you have a bad idea. Real friends pick up a camera.

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109. ) If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them. Happy Friendship Day.

About the author

Ali Qusain

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