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100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

Today I Am Sharing About Our Singles Brothers And Sister Are you single and cheerful to be out of love?update your whatsapp status and Facebook status with glad being single whatsapp status.so be content with being single and show individuals how upbeat you are being single by overhauling your Facebook status and whatsapp status.

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100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

What’s more, on the off chance that you are single then should check these article since i know how your sentiments are simply joking ! Be Single and make the most of your life continue grinning and continue adoring look at the article underneath

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

1. ) needs to get away from here for a while. Don’t care where, just need to get away to sort myself, my life, and my head out..

2. ) Sometimes all you need is some innocent flirty fun to lift your spirits and brighten your day/week.. I’m not bad – Just mischievously creative!

3. ) I am gonna complain about guys til one steps up and thinks they can handle me. Til then, they’re all weak!

4. ) loves being single because you can flirt with anyone you god damn please 😉

5. ) Looking for that boy who deserves the key to my heart

6. ) Me & __________ make a cute couple. Comment who you think should be in that blank (;

7. ) Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with<3

8. ) I’m single. You’re single. You like me. I like you. Am I missing something?

9. ) Single is SINGLE and loving every single moment of it!!!

10. ) Met Mr. wrong, Mr. jerk, Mr. cheater, Mr. liar, Mr. horn-dog. Where’s my Mr. right? Have you seen (him/her)?

11. ) Flirting is a habit for those who are single; it is their way of saying I am free.

12. ) I know I’m not the prettiest or the smartest girl out there, but I know I deserve better than any of this.

13. ) Facebook should change “single” to “riding solo”

14. ) I might be single but i have a CRUSH !

15. ) Wanted by many but taken by none ;P

16. ) Don’t be a woman who needs a man… Be the woman a man needs… Because every woman is worth fighting for… But not every man is worth you…

17. ) Why is it that when a girl thinks they’ve found their Batman, it always turns out to be a Joker?

18. ) No one can tell me what to do, how to do it, or when to do it. I’m single, I can do what the hell I like now and it’s great

19. ) It’s not that I can’t stop being single, it’s that I haven’t found anyone that’s been up to the challenge.

20. ) it seems romance is dead these days so therefore I am happy staying single until someone proves me wrong!!

21. ) *ahem* May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make. I am single&looking! I repeat I am single&looking! Thank you that is all!

22. ) I’m not picky, I just have standards

23. ) I do believe all the good men are all taken, married, live too far away or Gay!

24. ) Dear heart, please fall in love only when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.

25. ) Smart, yes, sometimes cute, but never sexy.Sexy is the thing I try to get them to see me as after I win them over with my personality. “Sex and the City”

26. ) S.I.N.G.L.E = S.orry, I.m N.ot G.iving L.osers [my] E.nergy 🙂 Sorry, i made the mistake once, I’m not making it again <3

27. ) You can never be happy as someones other half unless you can be happy as a whole all on your own. 😉

28. ) thinks being single is like having a McDonalds – I’m Lovin’ It 🙂

29. ) {NAME} is so thankful for all my friends who are “in a relationship.’ Yeah, reminds me of how thankful I am to God that I am “Single”

30. ) Single means you’re only taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.

31. ) Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies. – Sex in the City

32. ) Someone asked me,”Are you Single?” I said, “NO, I am in a relationship with FREEDOM.”

33. ) Enjoys the single life, but like a car, could do with a good service… or at least an m.o.t, just to check all my parts are working right, lol.

34. ) I wish Facebook would change “Single” to “Riding Solo.” It would sound much cooler

35. ) Being single is smarter than being in the wrong relationship.

36. ) Yes, I’m Single. [I]t’s Means: [S]tress [I]s [N]ow [G]one [L]ife is [E]asier

37. ) Dear Santa, i have been a good girl all year all i ask for in return is a tall dark handsome maybe odd tattoo,single,funny,can drive and good job thank u Santa

38. ) Being single doesn’t mean you’re weak… It means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve.

39. ) I’m not single. . . I’m riding solo and loving it!

40. ) S.I.N.G.L.E -sexy independent Naughty gorgeous loving everyday

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

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41. ) I may be single and sometimes I may be a little confused, but that doesn’t make me desperate and stupid. I will be single until someone proves they’re worthy

42. ) Wanted by many but taken by none.

43. ) Met Mr. wrong, Mr. jerk, Mr. cheater, Mr. liar, Mr. horn-dog. Where’s my Mr. right? Have you seen (him/her)?

44. ) I’m not single because I don’t pray for love. I’m single because I don’t play around with love.

45. ) I throw my condoms in the air sometimes saying THEERRRE NOO USSEEE! I’ll never get laid!

46. ) I’m a free bitch baby. 🙂

47. ) Someone said to me “you’re too pretty to be single.” No, not true. I just don’t deserve to be lied to, cheated on, and fucked over

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48. ) was thinking about bringing sexy back…but I can’t find the receipt…damn…I was gonna exchange it at Wal-mart for the new book…Being Single for Dummies…

49. ) Hi Hun I’m home ……..damn !! forgot i was single

50. ) Always hears “ur cute” and “ur so sweet” so what i’m good enough to be your friend but nothing more? be honest for once and tell me whats wrong w/ me…

51. ) Just because my status says I’m single, does NOT mean I’m looking! My eyes will remain closed until that special someone is brave enough to try to open them!~

52. ) Single doesn’t mean that you haven’t had any offers it means your searching for the right guy who will treat you right and like you for you and not what u arnt.

53. ) I know for damn sure what love is… cause bet your ass the last mother F..bad..er showed me EVERYTHING IT’S NOT! *Ridin Solo*

54. ) Guys are like parking spots… all the good ones are taken, but all the free ones are handicapped.

55. ) they’ll get here some day.

56. ) I just wish one guy could prove me wrong and be different from all the rest. But that’s as impossible as nailing jello to a tree <3

57. ) Being single is not always a curse. Sometimes it is a blessing because you don’t have to worry about being disappointed.

58. ) Hubby n wife die n arrived in heaven. Wife says ” Here we r 2gether again. ” Hubby says “F… dat shit! The deal was til death do us part. ! Bitch I’m single!

59. ) Everyone always says “You need to get a boyfriend! It’s great having a boyfriend!” then I say “Its even better not suffering heart break”. Single ladies rock 😉

60. ) needs to get away from here for a while. Don’t care where, just need to get away to sort myself, my life, and my head out..

61. ) Don’t be a woman who needs a man… Be the woman a man needs.Because every woman is worth fighting for… But not every man is worth you.

62. ) thinks being single is like having a McDonalds – I’m Lovin’ It 🙂

63. ) I just wish one guy could prove me wrong and be different from all the rest. But that’s as impossible as nailing jello to a tree <3

64. ) I don’t consider myself.. ‘SINGLE & ALONE’ I consider myself ‘ INDEPENDENT & AVAILABLE’.. =]

65. ) Tempt me. I dare you!

66. ) Single…anybody wanna change that? :]

67. ) Single ladies remember: U are not a side item, an appetizer, or an after-dinner dessert. U are the WHOLE MEAL or no deal!

68. ) If you’re too clueless to realize I’m awesome, that’s YOUR loss, not mine!!

69. ) I’m single but if you would like to change that like this status. 🙂

70. ) No, I am not single. I am in a long distance relationship because my boyfriend lives in the future.

71. ) Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with<3

72. ) Being single is not always a curse. Sometimes it is a blessing because you don’t have to worry about being disappointed.

73. ) I’m a free bitch baby. 🙂

74. ) Has already met Mr player, Mr bullshit, Mr fxckabout, Mr jealous, Mr slag & Mr stress so where’s Mr Right? (:

75. ) Has had enough of the single life and is now taking applications for a boyfriend please send all enquiries to my in box xx

76. ) Hi Hun I’m home ……..damn !! forgot i was single

77. ) I want a Guy that makes me laugh everyday makes me smile and loves me for who i am Is that 2 much 2 ask for

78. ) Life’s a bitch then you die or marry one…hm it both is death one way or another just one is less painful!!!

79. ) Trust me, this time baby. I’ll be bulletproof!

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

80. ) What’s worse then being single? Having someone in mind to change that status. And that person doesn’t feel the same, or is too far away to do anything about it

81. ) I’m single because i am saving myself for someone who deserves me.

82. ) I’m feeling like a star, you can’t stop my shine, I’m loving cloud nine, my head’s in the sky, I’m feeling good tonight, finally doing me and it feels so right.

83. ) OK Christmas time is here now where is the hot guy and the mistletoe 😀

84. ) I am not single and I am not committed, I am simply on Reserve, for the one who deserve

85. ) You can never be happy as someones other half unless you can be happy as a whole all on your own.

86. ) I’m not single. . . I’m riding solo and loving it!

87. ) Doesn’t feel sorry for themself, just sorry for the guy that is missing out on such an amazing girl.

88. ) I don’t consider myself.. ‘SINGLE & ALONE’ I consider myself ‘ INDEPENDENT & AVAILABLE’.. =] , so if your “SINGLE” i am “AVAILABLE” 😉 xxx

89. ) they’ll get here some day.

90. ) Hates it when people say ‘there’s someone for everyone’. so where the F..bad.. is they.I HATE BEING SINGLE

91. ) Single is not a status. It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.

92. ) Can’t get wit’ no deadbeat ass So (no)SCRUBS

93. ) I am gonna complain about guys til one steps up and thinks they can handle me. Til then, they’re all weak!

94. ) I wish Facebook would change “Single” to “Riding Solo.” It would sound much cooler

95. ) 1 Universe, 8 planets, 192 countries, 180497 islands, 85 seas, more than 7 billion people. And I’m still single!

96. ) Single & LOOKING.. for someone who will stand by my side through thick & thin.. who won’t make me cry.. who will accept me for who I am. Please appear soon

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97. ) Has changed their relationship status from “single” to “staying single”!!

98. ) Being single isn’t all that bad. You eat when you want…sleep when you want…go where you want when you want. What more could you want?!? Oh, yeah…that!

99. ) feels like walking up to someone and kissing them just for the hell of it.

100. ) I’m not picky, I just have standards

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

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101. ) loves it when ppl find out they’s single n say sorry like they r offering condolences at a funeral. Being single isn’t a disease, sometimes its the cure !!!

102. ) Wishes people didn’t think that single parent means desperate for sex… it doesn’t!!

103. ) Stay single until someone special actually compliments you in a way that it makes it better to not be alone. If it is not, then it’s not worth it.

104. ) I’m single but if you would like to change that like this status. 🙂

105. ) Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove to others and yourself that you can still stand

106. ) Dear heart, please fall in love only when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.

107. ) Just because my status says I’m single, does NOT mean I’m looking! My eyes will remain closed until that special someone is brave enough to try to open them!~

108. ) Sometimes i wish i wasn’t single but then again being single is awesome cause i ain’t let tin a stupid idiot guy let(me go for) ever

109. ) Has already met Mr player, Mr bullshit, Mr fxckabout, Mr jealous, Mr slag & Mr stress so where’s Mr Right? (:

110. ) No one can tell me what to do, how to do it, or when to do it. I’m single, I can do what the hell I like now and it’s great

111. ) I’m only single because out of all the men out there I just haven’t met one brave enough to take me on or who can handle me, but you are welcome to try.

112. ) Stay single until someone special actually compliments you in a way that it makes it better to not be alone. If it is not, then it’s not worth it.

113. ) Sometimes i wish i wasn’t single but then again being single is awesome cause i ain’t let tin a stupid idiot guy let(me go for) ever

114. ) Tell me get my shit togetha, now i got my shit togetha, now i made it thru the weather, better days are gonna get better

115. ) Is So Done showing interest, If you like me, you tell me.

116. ) I need a man who cooks & cleans, a man who treats me good, a man who buys me things, & a man who’s great in the sack & it’s important tht these 4 men don’t meet

117. ) Single is not Single & Alone…I’m Independent & Available 😉 Until I find my Equal !!

118. ) I’m single and it’s still complicated!!!

119. ) When I’m single all I see are happy couples!!!

120. ) Guys are like parking spots… all the good ones are taken, but all the free ones are handicapped.

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

121. ) I may be single and I may not have a million comments on my profile and pictures but at least I have fun and don’t have to worry about hiding who I really am (:

122. ) Single and it will take some-one very special to change it 😉

123. ) Being single doesn’t mean you’re weak… It means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve.

124. ) God is busy writing D Best love Story

125. ) Single? No, I’m just in a relationship with “FREEDOM”!

126. ) Enjoys the single life, but like a car, could do with a good service… or at least an m.o.t, just to check all my parts are working right, lol.

127. ) Has changed their relationship status from “single” to “staying single”!!

128. ) Free to a good home:- one heart, slightly battered, in need of some TLC

129. ) Being single means you’re strong enough to wait for what YOU deserve

130. ) I throw my condoms in the air sometimes saying THEERRRE NOO USSEEE! I’ll never get laid!

131. ) I’m feeling like a star, you can’t stop my shine, I’m loving cloud nine, my head’s in the sky, I’m feeling good tonight, finally doing me and it feels so right.

132. ) S.I.N.G.L.E. = (S)tress (I)s (N)ow (G)one (L)ife’s (E)asier

133. ) Is single. although there is this guy..

134. ) Don’t be a woman who needs a man… Be the woman a man needs… Because every woman is worth fighting for… But not every man is worth you…

135. ) has standards when it comes to dating…and wonders why so many put on a pretense until the day to meet comes…then all you see is a idiot in front of you?!

136. ) I don’t consider myself.. ‘SINGLE & ALONE’ I consider myself ‘ INDEPENDENT & AVAILABLE’.. =] , so if your “SINGLE” i am “AVAILABLE” 😉 xxx

137. ) Single is single and you’re gonna have to be down right AWESOME if you’re gonna change it!

138. ) Single means you’re only taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.

139. ) Single…anybody wanna change that? :]

140. ) Doesn’t feel sorry for herself, just sorry for the guy that is missing out on such an amazing girl.

141. ) You can never be happy as someones other half unless you can be happy as a whole all on your own. 😉

142. ) I choose today to be single…but one day I will be someone’s everything.

143. ) If you’re single, focus on being a better you instead of looking for someone better than your ex. A better you will attract a better next.

144. ) The more pricks i date the closer i come to meeting my Mr.right(: they is out there some where.they just took a wrong turn. they’ll get here some day. I’ll wait.

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145. ) Single? No, I am just inRelation ship with FREEDOM.

146. ) Some people are settling down, some people are just plain settling but I refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.

147. ) I’m single because i am saving myself for someone who deserves me.

148. ) I may be single and I may not have a million comments on my profile and pictures but at least I have fun and don’t have to worry about hiding who I really am (:

149. ) What would you say if i asked you out? Put this as your status an see what people say. .

150. ) I’m single , it’s time to mingle , to find that very special pringle

151. ) Always hears “ur cute” and “ur so sweet” so what i’m good enough to be your friend but nothing more? be honest for once and tell me whats wrong w/ me…

152. ) I F..bad..ing hate being single! it sucks! > :pI

153. ) When I’m single all I see are happy couples!!! and when I’m in a relationship all I see are happy singles!!! The grass is always greener on the other side!!

154. ) I’m single. You’re single. You like me. I like you. Am I missing something?

155. ) totally single, totally free, totally happy, TOTALLY SATISFIED ..

156. ) It’s not that I can’t stop being single, it’s that I haven’t found anyone that’s been up to the challenge.

157. ) Oh well looks like mr jack dainels will be my date along with mr sambuca who will get me drunk and mr red bull will fly me home safely

158. ) The more pricks i date the closer i come to meeting my Mr.right(: they is out there some where.they just took a wrong turn. they’ll get here some day. I’ll wait.

159. ) OK Christmas time is here now where is the hot guy and the mistletoe 😀

160. ) Single does not necessarily mean loneliness and to have a relationship does not always mean being happy.

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

100+ Attracting Single Whatsapp Status 2016

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161. ) Says..The secret to being happy is a good sense of humour, a dirty mind, and being single.

162. ) Single is not Single & Alone…I’m Independent & Available 😉 Until I find my Equal !!

163. ) Dear Santa, please leave a tall, dark, handsome man under my tree this Christmas

164. ) If you’re single, focus on being a better you instead of looking for someone better than your ex. A better you will attract a better next.

165. ) I’m tired of hearing ‘There are plenty of fish in the sea’! Who wants a fish?? They’re slimy and they smell!!

166. ) Ok let me get this straight, you are relying on me being a gentlemen .. lmao you idiot!!

167. ) Trust me, this time baby. I’ll be bulletproof!

168. ) loves it when ppl find out they’s single n say sorry like they r offering condolences at a funeral. Being single isn’t a disease, sometimes its the cure !!!

169. ) I have a empty hand for someone to hold. I have an empty heart for someone to fill.I have an empty spot for someone to take. -Devon Foley

170. ) Single is single and now taking applications if u think Ur suitable 4 the job apply ere lol

171. ) Being single only means that you are patient enough to wait for someone you deserve and who really deserves you.

172. ) Single” doesn’t always mean available, just as “in a relationship” doesn’t always mean happy!

173. ) In NEED of a F..bad.. buddy 😉

174. ) I am what i am i cant help myself & if you don’t like it get with somebody else ill never change my ways its not a phase this is how it is & how its gonna stay.

175. ) 204 countries, 804 islands, 7 seas, 6 billion people and I’M STILL SINGLE

176. ) I don’t consider myself.. ‘SINGLE & ALONE’ I consider myself ‘ INDEPENDENT & AVAILABLE’.. =]

177. ) Being single doesn’t mean nobody wanted you. It means you’re only taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.

178. ) I’m not single because I don’t pray for love. I’m single because I don’t play around with love.

179. ) I never get jealous when I see my ex with another girl. I was taught to give my used toys to the less fortunate! Have fun I, got rid of them for a reason!

180. ) {NAME} is so thankful for all my friends who are “in a relationship.’ Yeah, reminds me of how thankful I am to God that I am “Single”

181. ) is not Single & Alone…I’m Independent & Available 😉 Until I find my Equal !!

182. ) Flirting is a habit for those who are single; it is their way of saying I am free. But for those who are committed, it is their way of saying I am bored.

183. ) I know for damn sure what love is… cause bet your ass the last mother F..bad..er showed me EVERYTHING IT’S NOT! *Ridin Solo*

184. ) has standards when it comes to dating…and wonders why so many put on a pretense until the day to meet comes…then all you see is a idiot in front of you?!

185. ) Facebook should change “single” to “riding solo”

186. ) Smart, yes, sometimes cute, but never sexy.Sexy is the thing I try to get them to see me as after I win them over with my personality. “Sex and the City”

187. ) “Don’t play hard to get with a man who is hard to get” – Sex in the City

188. ) Is busy waiting for God to finish writing my love story 🙂

189. ) The reason I am Single isn’t because I can’t find someone~It’s because I deserve better

190. ) Everyone always says “You need to get a boyfriend! It’s great having a boyfriend!” then I say “Its even better not suffering heart break”. Single ladies rock 😉

191. ) Single & LOOKING.. for someone who will stand by my side through thick & thin.. who won’t make me cry.. who will accept me for who I am. Please appear soon

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192. ) Being single doesn’t mean you’re weak. It means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve.

About the author

Ali Qusain

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